Wednesday, July 16, 2014

There's a skunk in my bed, dear Liza.

This morning I decided to change the subtitle to my  blog to "you couldn't make this stuff up if you tried". Parenting is a writer's playground- there is a fantastic story at every turn. Last night, I came home late from teaching an essential oils class and Bobby was already in asleep in bed. I stumbled through the dark to quickly brush my teeth and head to bed. I quietly laid my phone on the nightstand and crawled into bed and as I laid my head on the pillow, I felt something hard and round. I felt around and discovered it was INSIDE my pillowcase. I reached in (not a good idea! This is how you end up sitting on toads on the toilet! see earlier post.) I felt something furry. This is what I pulled out.

It am honestly not surprised by anything at this point. It is perfectly normal to find a lego tower in my underwear drawer or mashed banana in my shoe. In fact, I am pretty sure I could have pulled out a family of opossums, gently put them on their floor to go on their way and rolled over and went to sleep.

It's likely that the ball and chain ferret mongoose was hiding in its castle from the tickle monster and as I rolled over and went to sleep, I couldn't help but smile knowing that my entire house is full of random signs of imagination, childhood happiness and striped rodents.

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