Saturday, July 5, 2014

Irrational (yet totally reasonable) Reasons to Pregnant

As many of you know, we struggled with infertility for 4 years before getting preggo with our first, Charlotte (almost 4 yrs old). Then without even trying, we got pregnant naturally when she was only 6 months old. We are beyond thrilled with our little family, but we do often think of having a third. It changes from day to day, which can be really scary. One moment, I am blissfully watching my little angels sleep while daydreaming of a third little baby sleeping in the crib next door and the very next morning they are fussing at each other and licking week old syrup off the floor and I feel my womb closing inside of me. My husband can't keep up with me! One minute I am taking ovulation tests like a mad woman, the next day I won't let him touch me without protection. Pretty sure when he comes home from work and I look like I got run over by a Mack truck, he gathers that I am not up for procreating that evening.

It's a good thing God creates life and it is in His hands because some of the reasons I have wished I were pregnant are so ridiculous but I think you may be able to relate:

1. I've gained a few pounds- if I found out I was pregnant today, it would be because of that and not because I have been eating like a hog!

2. I just peed a little when I laughed- if only I had a good excuse!

3. I just saw a cute nursery idea on Pinterest!

4. I really want to order the cheese fries- man, I wish I was pregnant!

5. My friend is pregnant and I want to complain together. It would be such a bonding experience!

6. I'd really love 3 days to myself in a bed and going to the hospital is the only way it is going to happen!

7. We always have just enough leftover mac n cheese to fit in a baby sized bowl!

8. My friend is getting rid of some really trendy maternity clothes!

9. I am really sick of my period!

10. I picked out a really cute baby name and I want to use it before my sister does!

Sadly, these have all contributed to wanting to get pregnant on one day or another. Blame it on hormones or the crazy ups and downs of motherhood. Bottom line is, we would be overjoyed to have another and even on the toughest of days, once all 3 angels were sound asleep in their beds, I would miss them and be excited for the morning to kiss their sweet faces :)

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