Saturday, June 21, 2014

Nonense Nannygoat

So, I feel compelled to start a blog about my life, motherhood, adventures in poop, the hippie antics of healthy living and mostly nonsense. Not sure why anyone would want to read about my nonsense, but I often find myself rushing to get the kids down for a nap, bringing my reheated stale coffee and 2 loads of laundry over to the couch to take a rest and really wanting to know that I am some shade of normal. That someone else goes through the chaos that I endure on a daily basis. And somehow reading other peoples motherhood nonsense helps me escape my own.

So, that is what I can promise from this blog. Normal nonsense. Possibly more nonsense than climbing a mountain and riding a nanny goat back down. After all, the days of a mother include breaking up fights about who touched the chair first, asking your child not to pick their brother's nose, explaining why you allow them to say booty but not butt, and singing a poopy song to your constipated daughter to help her go. It's all complete and utter nonsense that I call the most wonderful job on the earth. Even though it feels like I am being pecked to death by chickens.

Some days I may offer inspiration, tips and encouragement and other days I may simply vent and fuss. But (not butt! someone please explain this to my 3 year old!) I know even on the worst of days, I have other friends and moms that have been pecked to death and have ridden nonsense nannygoat and will go to bed, get up and choose to do it all over again.

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